To calculate the infrastructure needs for the new population, the following data points were used:

1. Total estimated unauthorized population (including gotaways and the 11 million).

2. Per capita usage for resources like electricity, water, roads, and housing.

Standard per capita estimates for the resources were used to calculate the needs for the new population.

Population estimate: 11 million (current estimate) + 391,000 (gotaways)

estimated_population = 11000000 + 391000

Per capita estimates (for simplicity, using approximate averages in the U.S.)

electricity_per_capita_kwh = 12000 # Average annual electricity consumption per person in kWh
water_per_capita_liters = 300 # Average daily water consumption per person in liters
road_space_per_capita_sq_m = 100 # Estimated square meters of road space needed per person
housing_per_capita_sq_m = 40 # Average housing space required per person in square meters

Calculating total needs for the new population

total_electricity_kwh = estimated_population * electricity_per_capita_kwh
total_water_liters = estimated_population * water_per_capita_liters * 365 # Multiply by 365 to get annual usage
total_road_space_sq_m = estimated_population * road_space_per_capita_sq_m
total_housing_sq_m = estimated_population * housing_per_capita_sq_m

Return the results for further interpretation

total_electricity_kwh, total_water_liters, total_road_space_sq_m, total_housing_sq_m

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